Armored Trooper Votoms X JGSDF Model Kit Type 07 - III Tank Nacchin (Scopedog Version) 10 cm
Eredeti termék
Ár: 36390 Ft
Házhoz / Csomagpontra / Automatába
Várható kiszállítási idő:
6-11 munkanap
Gondos csomagolás
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"Armored Trooper VOTOMS x JGSDF Type 07 Tank Nacchin!Opening the curtains on an explosive collaboration! Armored Trooper VOTOMS meets JGSDF Type 07 Tank Nacchin!
"JGSDF Type 07-? Tank Nacchin"" is an original character created by the robot designer Moi, who is active on social media.
JGSDF Type 07-? Tank Nacchin [SCOPEDOG Ver.] is a collaboration between Nacchin and the much beloved classic, Armored Trooper VOTOMS.
Year 2090.
The Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) was the first to equip a new type of autonomous tank with a highly accurate future prediction AI.
While most people shied away from this technology and its near-human-level personality and communication skills, Captain Natsuki Kukuri nicknames her own unit ""Nacchin"" and treats it as an equal member of her team.
One day, while Natsuki and Nacchin are on duty, a sudden incident occurs that changes the world. What they once knew had been altered and fractured, resulting in the strange world they now find themselves in.
These two's consciousnesses overlap in multiple universes, resulting in different identities.
Nacchin [SCOPEDOG Ver.] is simply one out of infinite possibilities created from the multiverse.
Model Specifications:
- Based on the Scopedog design illustrated by Nacchin's original designer Moi, this new version of Nacchin features numerous newly modeled parts, including the head visor, shoulder armor, and waist unit.
- This model is a high-spec, full-action model kit with 65 points of articulation.
- The turret lens on the head made with clear green and clear red plastic can rotate.
- Scopedog's signature heavy machine gun has been faithfully recreated to match the proportions of Nacchin. The kit also includes a spare magazine that can be attached to the main body using the included joint parts.
- The runners for the kit are made in eight different colors, making it easy to assemble the model in its original color scheme with no painting required.
- The kit boasts various articulation features, such as pop-out shoulder and knee joints, and sliding hip joints.
- This model is compatible with the cockpit seat included in the JGSDF Type 07-? Tank Nacchin [EX Ver.] kit and Nacchin Append Parts Set (sold separately).
*This kit does not include a cockpit seat.
- This model is equipped with 18 connection points for the 3mm joints used across the Nacchin series. This allows Nacchin to be freely customized with parts from other series such as M.S.G.
- The ""Eye Panel Part (Looking Forward)"" is pre-painted with blue eyes on a black background.
- The kit includes three additional blank eye panel parts which can be affixed with the included decals to create a variety of expressions.
- The points for 3mm connection joints on the lower half of the model allow for displaying on the included Nacchin Stand and separately sold New Flying Base.
Included Items:
- Nacchin (SCOPEDOG Ver.) Model
- Heavy Machine Gun
- Spare Magazine
- Eye Panel Parts (Pre-Painted/Looking Forward x1, Blank x3)
- Weapon Holding Hands (Left and Right)
- Universal Grip Parts x2
- 3mm Joints x4
- Nacchin Stand
- Decals
Állapot: | Bontatlan |
EAN: | 4934054046973 |
Kategória: | Armored Trooper Votoms |
Alkategória: | Videójátékok |
Termék típusa: | Mozgatható figurák |
Márka: | Kotobukiya |
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