Acrylic Case 2-Pack for Gameboy/Gameboy Advance Games
Eredeti termék
Ár: 34.79€ (14190Ft)
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A beszállítóink minden terméküket euró alapon forgalmazzák, így az előrendelhető termékekre euró alapú árgaranciát tudunk vállalni. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a rendeléskor rögzítésre kerül az aktuális euró alapú ára a terméknek, majd a megjelenéskor kerül átváltásra az átváltást megelőző nap MNB középárfolyamán.Fizetés
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Do not just rely on flimsy box protectors when it comes to your most valuable video game collectibles. EVORETRO acrylic protector cases for Nintendo Game Boy and GameBoy Advance games are the ideal choice in keeping your collections in mint condition. Crafted from premium quality acrylic material, we ensure that your games and their original boxes are safe from external elements and UV damage. Not only does it provide outstanding protection, but it also adds elegance to your GB/GBA games when you display them on your countertop, desk, or shelf.This video game box protector is compatible with Nintendo Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, and Virtual Boy. Its 4MM thick case, which is by far one of the thickest Gameboy protectors in the market, ensures the game box protector is sturdy and stackable. The slide bottom tight-fit lid provides safe and secure storage to your video games to maintain their value and performance while not in use.
As collectors ourselves, we know how enjoyable it is to maintain the pristine condition of your favorite vintage games. That's why we designed the finest quality video games and Nintendo accessories that are of great value and will keep your collection protected while on display. You can either get them for your ultimate treasures or give them as a gift to enthusiastic hobbyists or collectors just like you.
Size: 13 x 13 x 2,9 cm
Állapot: | Bontatlan |
EAN: | 3701492101417 |
Kategória: | Nintendo |
Alkategória: | Videójátékok |
Termék típusa: | Dobozok és tasakok |
Márka: | EVORETRO |
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