Armored Trooper Votoms D-Style Model Kit Scopedog Turbo Custom Chirico Ver. 11 cm
Eredeti termék
Ár: 73.510000€ (29990Ft)
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From Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Red Shoulder Document "The Root of Ambition" comes a D-Style interpretation of the Scopedog Turbo Custom Chirico used in the third battle against Sansa.All of the details and features of Scopedog have been packed into a cute, chibi body.
With colored and clear parts, even beginner modelers can easily assemble Scopedog Turbo Custom as it appears in the original OVA.
*Compatible with MECHANICAL BASE FLYING3 (sold separately). Enjoy displaying the model in all kinds of poses.
Model Specifications:
·A chibi Chirico can sit inside the cockpit. The kit includes both a regular and helmeted version.
·The turret lens and visor can move.
·The cockpit can open and close. The inside of the cockpit is also detailed.
·The arms can extend to punch.
·The forearms can be removed to recreate Scopedog losing its arm as seen in the anime.
·The down form can also be recreated.
·The jet roller dash can be recreated by replacing the jet nozzles on the legs.
·The feet also feature deployable turn picks.
·Weapons and equipment include a heavy machine gun, dual missile launcher, Gatling gun, and mission pack.
·Magazines can be attached to the heavy machine gun, mission pack, and waist armor.
·The color-coded runners are painted in the same colors used in the anime. The camera eye is also made with clear parts.
·The red shoulder denoting the Red Shoulder Unit included in the kit is prepainted.
Állapot: | Bontatlan |
EAN: | 4934054105908 |
Kategória: | Armored Trooper Votoms |
Alkategória: | Videójátékok |
Termék típusa: | Mozgatható figurák |
Márka: | Kotobukiya |
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