Harmonia Bloom Blooming Palette (twilight)
Eredeti termék
Ár: 8990 Ft
Házhoz / Csomagpontra / Automatába Várható kiszállítási idő: 6-11 munkanap
Gondos csomagolás
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Long-awaited makeup palettes for Harmonia bloom dolls are available now.

With a "secret garden" theme, the palette expresses the states of mind of a boy and a girl full of change and possibilities.

Admiration Coral Pink
This pale coral pink with fine glitter is a color that blends well for a gorgeous look at any time of the day.

Ecstasy Yellow
Yellow, which represents the radiance of joy, is instantly glamorous when layered over a color or simply placed where you want it to stand out.

Anticipation Brown
The color is so soft that it can be used for eyebrows or shading with a single coat, and can be used as a finishing color with multiple coats.

Pensive Rose Red
A matte color that gives a slightly melancholy look, rose red is a multi-purpose color that can be used on the eyes, cheeks, and lips.

Enjoy the gorgeous and beautiful original colors prepared for Harmonia bloom.

Please note: For this item, demand is expected to be higher than the available quantity, which may result in allocations or cancellations of quantities ordered.


Termék típusa:Mozgatható figurák