“The Dark Crystal Statue 1/6 Jen the Gelfling 22 cm” a kosárba helyezve. Kosár
The Dark Crystal Statue 1/6 Jen the Gelfling 22 cm
Eredeti termék
Ár: 233.150000€ (94790Ft)
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As huge fans of Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal (1982), Weta Workshop is excited to dive into the world of Thra and create premium collectibles for this iconic film. The Skeksis have remained separated from their other halves, the urRu, for too long; only by repairing the Crystal of Truth can balance be restored to the world of Thra. It falls to the Gelflings Jen and Kira, the last of their kind, to fulfil the ancient prophecy. Together they must overcome the dangers and deceit laid out before them by the evil Skeksis. "When single shines the triple sun, what was sundered and undone shall be whole, the two made one by Gelfling hand or else by none.In a shrouded valley, lost to time, a Gelfling boy is nurtured and taught by the wise Mystics.
Product features:
- 1:6 scale;
- Portrays the last of the Gelfling, the Mystic-raised hero.
- Clay sculpted by Brigitte Wuest;
- Sculpted from photos of the original puppet from The Dark Crystal (1982);
- Clutching a shard of the Dark Crystal;
- Base shape that fits together with companion Kira when displayed side-by-side;
- High-quality polystone.
The three different sized circular bases across our 1:6 scale Dark Crystal range represent the Three Suns in the skies of Thra; the dying sun, rose sun, and great sun. Familiar iconography from the floor of the Crystal Chamber are featured around the outside. Spy the symbols of the urSkeks, which have since been appropriated as signs of discord and Skeksis aggression.
Dimensions: 12,4 x 22,3 x 11,9 cm
Állapot: | Bontatlan |
EAN: | 9420024737811 |
Kategória: | The Dark Crystal |
Alkategória: | Filmek |
Termék típusa: | Szobrok |
Márka: | Weta Workshop |
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