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“Dungeons & Dragons RPG Mordenkainen presenta: Monstruos del Multiverso spanish” a kosárba helyezve. Kosár
Dungeons & Dragons RPG Mordenkainen presenta: Monstruos del Multiverso spanish
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Ár: 56.85€ (23190Ft)
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Sparkling with the musings of the wizard Mordenkainen, this tome features a host of creatures for use in the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. Compiling and updating monsters that originally appeared in Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, these creatures represent some of the most benevolent and malevolent forces that D&D heroes might face.The book also gathers together fantastical peoples from many different worlds. Each of these peoples represents a race option when you create your D&D character, expanding on the choices in the Player's Handbook.
- Includes over 250 monsters—updates to the monsters include making spellcasters easier for Dungeon Masters to run, giving many monsters more damage and resilience, and improving the organization of the stat blocks themselves
- Includes over 30 playable races—brings all the game's setting-agnostic races into one book, complementing the races in the Player's Handbook
- A multiverse of lore—includes updates to monster lore that refocus the stories on the D&D multiverse, rather than on any particular world
Állapot: | Bontatlan |
EAN: | 9780786968148 |
Kategória: | Dungeons & Dragons |
Alkategória: | Videójátékok |
Termék típusa: | Társasjátékok |
Márka: | Wizards of the Coast |
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