“Eternals Movie Masterpiece Action Figure 1/6 Thena 30 cm” a kosárba helyezve. Kosár
Eternals Movie Masterpiece Action Figure 1/6 Thena 30 cm
Eredeti termék
Ár: 93390 Ft
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6-11 munkanap
Gondos csomagolás
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"We have loved these people since the day we arrived." - ThenaAs an Eternal, Thena is part of a group of ancient, immortal beings working on behalf of the cosmically powerful celestials to protect the universe. More comfortable in battle than anywhere else, Thena has the ability to use pure cosmic energy to form any handheld weapon she can think of is. She and the scattered Eternals must reunite in order to save the world from the Deviants in one last mission.
Inspired by Marvel Studios' Eternals, Sideshow and Hot Toys are excited to present the Thena Sixth Scale Collectible Figure with amazingly-detailed weapons she imagines with cosmic energy.
Masterfully crafted based on the screen appearance of Angelina Jolie as Thena in Eternals, the figure features a newly developed head and blonde hair sculpture with stunning likeness, beautifully tailored suit and patterned armors in champagne gold color with metallic accent, her iconic weapons in translucent color with gold geometric patterns including a shield, an axe, a spear, a long sword, a short sword and a dagger; as well as a figure stand.
Start your Eternal collection now by adding the new Thena Sixth Scale Collectible Figure!
Állapot: | Bontatlan |
EAN: | 4895228610171 |
Kategória: | Marvel |
Alkategória: | Képregények |
Termék típusa: | Mozgatható figurák |
Márka: | Hot Toys |
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