“Lore Olympus x Weta Workshop Mini Vinyl Figure Hermes 17 cm” a kosárba helyezve. Kosár
Lore Olympus x Weta Workshop Mini Vinyl Figure Hermes 17 cm
Eredeti termék
Ár: 34.67€ (14390Ft)
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A beszállítóink minden terméküket euró alapon forgalmazzák, így az előrendelhető termékekre euró alapú árgaranciát tudunk vállalni. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a rendeléskor rögzítésre kerül az aktuális euró alapú ára a terméknek, majd a megjelenéskor kerül átváltásra az átváltást megelőző nap MNB középárfolyamán.Fizetés
Fizetni előrendelhető termékekért nem kell előre, a megjelenéskor kerül forintra átszámítva az aktuális euró árfolyam alapján. Az előrendeléseket átutalással vagy utánvéttel lehet fizetni a megjelenést követően.Leírás
As the messenger of the gods, Hermes dances through the realms, a red blur of laughter and light-hearted mischief. He hears everything-grand plots and passing gossip alike-whether he wants to or not. Yet, he chooses to play the fool, a merry prankster slipping in and out of divine affairs, leaving barely a ripple in his wake. To most, he's nothing more than a carefree trickster, a joyous spirit with no deeper thoughts. But beneath that jovial exterior lies a sharp mind, and a perceptive insight. Though he may delight in joy and laughter, only the truly foolish would ever think him naive."With his cheeky charm, endless energy, and irresistible sense of fun, Hermes has been expertly brought to life by the wizards at Weta Workshop. Every ounce of his playful personality is captured in this meticulously crafted figure, making him just as lively in 3D as he is in the world of Lore Olympus.
This isn't just a god of mischief-it's Hermes in all his glory, equal parts teasing friend and sly trickster. Attention to detail really shines here, from his carefree grin to the hidden layers beneath that seemingly clueless exterior. Whether he's cracking jokes with Persephone or getting serious when the situation calls for it, this Hermes figure is the perfect blend of charm, wit, and just the right amount of chaos.
A must-have for fans who love a little divine trouble in their collection!
- Features Hermes, clad in his iconic messenger attire;
- Expert techniques in both sculpting and paint application bring the iconic style of Lore Olympus to life;
- Made in collaboration with Lore Olympus creator, Rachel Smythe;
- Digitally sculpted by Weta Workshop 3D artist Daniel Holland.
It measures approx. 7 x 17,2 x 6,2 cm.
Állapot: | Bontatlan |
EAN: | 9420024745656 |
Kategória: | Egyéb |
Termék típusa: | Minifigurák |
Márka: | Weta Workshop |
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