“Pokémon Diecast Replica Love Ball” a kosárba helyezve. Kosár
Pokémon Diecast Replica Love Ball
Eredeti termék
Ár: 139.26€ (56990Ft)
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A beszállítóink minden terméküket euró alapon forgalmazzák, így az előrendelhető termékekre euró alapú árgaranciát tudunk vállalni. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a rendeléskor rögzítésre kerül az aktuális euró alapú ára a terméknek, majd a megjelenéskor kerül átváltásra az átváltást megelőző nap MNB középárfolyamán.Fizetés
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The Wand Company's range of die-cast Poké Ball Replicas are the first officially-licensed premiumcollectible replicas for Pokémon fans.
This premium quality, gorgeously accurate Love Ball replica is made with an engineered metal shell, has a beautifully colored surface that is sensitive to touch and proximity and features a brightly illuminated button and lift-to-display illuminated presentation case. This Love Ball promises to be a wonderful addition to any Pokémon collection!
Ideal for collectors, the replica comes with a presentation case - authenticated by a uniquely numbered hologram - and a polished stainless-steel ring, so that you can display your Love Ball however you want.
Enjoy multi-colored lights glowing under the Love Ball when you open the case; control them by
touching the case's metal plaque.
Product Features:
- Highly accurate, electronic, display-grade replica with a finely detailed metal shell and a premium painted finish
- Lovingly brought to life with proximity-sensing technology
- Motion sensor activated multicolor button that changes light color or starts a Pokémon-catching illumination sequence.
- Opening presentation case lifts Poké Ball for display
- Uniquely-numbered collectible
- Officially licensed by The Pokémon Company International
What's in the box:
- Die-Cast Love Ball Replica
- Matte black presentation display case with polished Poké Ball icon on the lid
- Highly polished stainless steel display ring
- Illustrated manual
- Batteries included
Állapot: | Bontatlan |
EAN: | 5060178520767 |
Kategória: | Anime / Manga |
Alkategória: | Pokemon |
Termék típusa: | Replikák |
Márka: | Wand Company |
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